I live in a rural area where the only reliable service is Verizon. But, I can not stand Verizon's customer service (or lack thereof). I also don't like the rates they charge, or how the always seem to find a way to tack on extra fees.
So, I switched to KittyWireless.com Kitty Wireless is an independent reseller of Page Plus. Service runs on Verizon's network, so you get the same coverage as you would with Verizon. However, their prices are much better! $69.99 gets you unlimited Talk and Texts as well as 5 GB of data! If you aren't using a smart phone, you can pay $39.95 for unlimited TAlk and Text with 200mb of data. There are all kinds of plans to suit your needs.
Although pre-payed, Kitty Wireless will deduct the amount from your checking account each month and do all the work for you. You never have to enter a pin or do anything.
Kitty Wireless also has the best customer service. I have had all my emails responded to within a matter of hours and any issues resolved quickly. I've had to port in a number, switch service between phones, and change plans. All was done painlessly, with Kitty Wireless answering any issues I had.
After two years with Verizon, I am shocked at how much better Kitty Wireless customer service is! I will never switch back.
Head on over to KittyWireless.com to get started!
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